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PreSubmission Checklist

How to send documents in cDocs

Updated over a month ago

Before sending documents in cDocs, we recommend reviewing a few things to make sure document sending is ready to go flawlessly.

Here is a checklist to provide some guidance along with a video of how to do this on Cialfo:

Check 1: cDocs > Documents

  • Are Common App & Parchment Sending Enabled for your school?

  • Has your school completed the School Information section?

  • Has the School Profile been uploaded (PDF format and no larger than 2,000kb)?

Check 2

If you will be sending documents via Common App, have all students linked their Common App account AND answered the FERPA? You must have both columns in green for document sending to be successful.  If the CA is linked, but the FERPA has not been answered, it could signal that the student accidentally created and linked a second or wrong Common App account. Refer to this troubleshooting article.

Check 3

If you will be sending documents via Common App, have all teachers successfully been linked to Common App? This is an automated process and happens when a teacher creates a Common App Teacher Evaluation form. If the teacher has created a form but is showing as not linked, it could signal that the teacher's email ID has already been invited to complete a recommendation directly in Common App thus blocking the ability to send their letter. Refer to this troubleshooting article.

Check 4

Check to see that a student has the following documents before sending:

  1. Letter of Recommendation-Counselor

  2. Counselor Recommendation Common App Form (for CA sending only)

  3. Common App School Report (for CA sending only)

  1. Teacher Letter of Recommendation for each recommender

  2. Common App Teacher Evaluation for each recommender (for CA sending only)

  3. Look in the documents section for a student and you should see the following:

  1. Initial Transcript

  2. School Profile

  3. Transfer Transcript (if applicable)

Check 5

Check to see that a student has a Common App counselor assigned to them. The student will need to have a counselor assigned to them on cDocs in order to send documents and prepare Common App forms.

You can assign the counselor in the Common App tab individually, but also by bulk via Bulk Actions.

If you've made it this far and everything checks out, CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉

You are now ready to send your first set of documents. Check out our other Help Center articles on sending Common App documents and sending Parchment documents.

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