What is cDocs?
cDocs (aka Cialfo Documents!) is Cialfo’s answer to supporting students and counselors in tracking and sending documents necessary for their university applications.
Why did we create cDocs?
The entire university application process can be time-consuming with multiple documents to be prepared, uploaded, then sent. It can be especially confusing to manage if a student is applying through various types of portals where document submission requirements.
With cDocs, we hope to help you as a counselor streamline the document sending process by making it (a) effortless to see what has been sent/not sent, (b) straightforward in sending, and complete with (c) clear, trackable statuses and timestamps for your optimal efficiency.
Direct Apply
In August 2021, Cialfo embarked on an exciting journey to simplify the application process, all without leaving Cialfo! By partnering with over 100+ universities boasting more than 5,000 programs and counting, your students are spoilt for choice! To know more about what Direct Apply is and has to offer, head over here.
Common App Integration
Cialfo has continued the partnership with Common App (CA). Cialfo's integration with the Common App aims to deliver the same functionality counselors were used to in Naviance, with a better user experience. This means counselors can complete the Common App School Report as well as Teacher and Counselor forms within the Cialfo platform and vice-versa (if needed!).
Once completed, counselors can submit those along with other application documents like high school profiles, teacher and counselor recommendations, and transcripts to more than 800 Common App member colleges and universities through Cialfo.
In order for Cialfo schools to use Common App integration, they must have a CEEB code and share that with Cialfo in order to activate Common App integration.
Parchment Integration
Cialfo has continued the partnership with Parchment. More than 3,000 colleges and universities internationally accept supporting documents sent through Parchment.
Cialfo’s integration with Parchment allows schools to upload and submit through Cialfo application documents like high school profiles, teacher and counselor recommendations, and transcripts to Parchment accepting institutions.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us using the 'Chat with Cialfo' feature.