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Recording Admission Decisions

Review these FAQs on recording admission decisions in Cialfo

Updated over a week ago

When the end of the school year approaching, there are a number of things a counselor may want to do to close out the year and even begin preparing for the next school year. We've identified the top Frequently Asked Questions.

1. My students have received admission decisions from universities. Can I record waitlist, deferred, accepted, denied, conditional offer, etc.? How should I do this in Cialfo?

Application decisions can be updated by going to Student - Schools - Applications. We recommend reviewing these Help Articles for step by step directions.

2.Can I get a quick overview of all of my students' results in one place?

Absolutely! If you need a quick review of all of your students’ results, then consider viewing them from the Student List page by filtering for the year and adjusting the columns to show Applications.

3.Can I record scholarship information?

If a counselor wants to record scholarship information from a particular college, this can be documented in the student's application. Read more in: Managing Applications

4.Can I record scholarships that come from sources other than colleges?

At this time, there is not a dedicated section for this. However, we have just released Surveys, and this might be a good way to capture this information by sending an end of year survey to your Seniors.

5.Can I record a student's post-secondary plans/outcome (ex: Bachelor degree, Military Service, Gap Year, etc.)?

Recently, Cialfo added a post-secondary Outcome option so that schools can record what a student plans to do when they graduate high school. This new feature allows a student or counselor to provide information about the student’s post-secondary plans. This is updated in the Student's Applications page. Data collected from Outcome can be viewed in two Reports:

  • Student Outcomes - this provides a list of students with their Outcome listed

  • Outcomes - this breaks down each of the outcomes students select on a percentage basis

Counselors also have the option to upload student outcomes by following the instructions in this [help article].

6.Is there a way for me to add flags to an application and track if a student demonstrated interest, was a first-generation college application, was a legacy, or other types of characteristics?

Counselors may want to track certain characteristics about student applications, hence Application Flags. These are only visible to counselors. In the Application, there is a drop-down menu of preset flags to choose from. If a school needs custom flags, these can be created in Account - Configure. Multiple flags can be added per application if necessary.

7.I've added all of my student's application decisions, outcomes, flags, scholarships, etc. What might I want to do next?

Review these Help Articles for more details on Cialfo Reports and building your school profile for the next school year: Insights & Quick Reports and Generating Reports for Your School Profile

8.What’s the best way to record other items or note pertaining to applications?

Use the notes section of a student's application (the second/bottom notes section of an application) to record any information. Any information place here will be displayed in Insights > Applications > Applications by College report. Also, be aware that information here is viewable by the student and guardian.

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