This article is for Quick Reports (previously known as Reports Classic). To view the help article for the latest reports version (Insights), click here.
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Quick Reports is dedicated to generating 14 different downloadable Reports - from student list, college admissions, matriculations, student applications and outcomes and many more. Additional reports can also be generated from the Student List page. Read this article for more information on how to use reports on the Student List page.
Below, this article will focus on a brief description on each the 14 reports that can be found within the Quick Reports section of Cialfo.
Note: For accurate data, we recommend generating all the quick reports in 5-year intervals (e.g. 2020-2025)
Class Profiles
This report provides an overall picture for a specific graduation year or multiple ones in terms of GPA standardized test scores and applications submitted.
Student Data
Number of students
Overall class GPA
Average standardized test scores
Application Data
Total apps submitted
Apps per student
Total acceptances
Total percentage of acceptances
Student Data
In this report, students from a specific graduation year or multiple years will be listed in alphabetical order. It will display their overall GPA and highest Standardized test scores. This report is ideal for ranking students or finding deciles of students based on standardized test scores.
Applications by College
This comprehensive report lists the universities students applied to during the application years selected. This report is a useful tool with the information displayed taken from the information inputted into each student’s Application page. To ensure accurate reporting, it is recommended counselors and students update the information in Application as often as possible. In addition, the report details the following:
University Name
Application Round and Deadline
Application Result
Fit Indicator/Likelihood
Scholarship Notes
Other Notes
Student GPA
Student Standardized Test Results
Shortlist by College
The Shortlist by College Report provides insights into the colleges that students have shortlisted, helping counselors track interest trends and guide students effectively.
Longlist by College
The Longlist by College Report provides insights into the colleges that students have added to their Longlist, helping counselors track student interests at an early stage.
College Matriculation
This report provides a list of students with schools they plan to matriculate to the following year. Either the student or the counselor must update the school to Attending in Applications.
Application Likelihood
In Cialfo, students can choose to complete the College Fit Calculator in Schools to measure their Likelihood of earning acceptance to a particular institution. This report tracks reported admissions decisions and compares them to the predicted Likelihood, helping students and counselors assess application outcomes.
Score Profiles
The Score Profile Report compares student standardized test scores with universities based on accepted student data. This report is ideal for building a university profile, allowing counselors and students to compare acceptance trends with a student's current GPA and standardized test scores to assess their competitiveness.
Summary Data
The Summary Data report lists each university and provides data with a summary of accepted, withdrawn, attending, deferred, waitlisted, denied etc applications.
Teacher Recommendation Student by Teacher
This report provides a list of each teacher along with the students who have requested a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) from them.
Teacher Recommendation Summary Count
This report provides a quick summary of each teacher who has received a Letter of Recommendation (LOR) request, including the total number of requests, as well as those that are pending and completed.
Test Ranges
An overview of all standardized tests completed by students. This report provides the following data for PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Test and ACT.
The number of students tested
Middle 50%
Student Outcomes
This report provides a list of students in alphabetical order, displaying one outcome per student. Possible outcomes include the following:
As with the Student Outcome report, this one generates a percentage (total = 100%) breakdown of all the outcomes reported
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