Rescheduling a confirmed Meeting
Dinesh Kumar Maurya avatar
Written by Dinesh Kumar Maurya
Updated over a week ago

The meeting that has been confirmed by the student will not have the edit/reschedule option available. However, you will have the option to delete that meeting and schedule a new one.

Here are the steps to schedule a meeting.

Step 1

To Schedule a meeting, from the Students page, open the profile of the student you wish to set up the meeting with.
Then click on Meetings. You will be able to see the schedule and see your upcoming meetings, if any. To create a new meeting. click on Schedule Meeting in the top right-hand corner.

Step 2

Once you click on Schedule Meeting, the student's calendar will show available time slots. You will then be able to choose a time slot to meet by clicking on the calendar. Once you have chosen a time slot, you will be able to fill in additional details for your Student. Once you have completed this, you will be able to click Create & Send Invite, which will send an invite to your Student.

Your Student will receive an email invite and will be required to accept the meeting before it is displayed as confirmed. You will also receive a meeting confirmation with the date and time once your Student has accepted the meeting request.

You can reschedule or edit a meeting by clicking on the Edit button adjacent to the meeting you want to reschedule or edit. After you have made necessary changes, click on Update.

Similarly to delete a meeting, click on the Delete button adjacent to the meeting you want to delete. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click on Delete and to confirm and the meeting will be deleted.

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