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Understanding Reports

Learn how Cialfo reporting works & the problems it can solve.

Updated over 7 months ago

Table of Contents




  • Purpose: Understanding Applications at your High School.

  • This report contains 3 sections:

    1. Application Statuses

    2. Application Destinations

    3. Applications Master List

  • Section 1: Application Statuses:

    • Purpose: Understanding the status of Applications, Matriculations, Acceptances and Denials

    • Here you can:

      1. View Applications by Result,

      2. View Matriculations, Acceptances, Denials & Applications by Counselor Likelihood or Round

  • Section 2: Application Destinations:

    • Purpose: Understanding where your students are applying.

    • Here you can view Matriculations, Acceptances, Denials or Applications by University, University Country or University State (For US Universities only)

  • Section 3: Application Master List:

    • Purpose: Accessing all your application data in 1 place.

    • This table is a list of all applications created in your high school that meet your filter filter requirements.

      • For example, if you filter for Graduation year = 2023 and University Country = United Kingdom, the Application Master List would contain all applications created at your high school for students in graduation year 2023 to UK universities.

    • Click on the Export to Excel or Export to CSV buttons to download this table

cDocs Documents

  • Purpose: Understanding the status cDocs Documents at your High School. Use this to derive a high level understanding of cDocs Documents.

  • This report contains 3 sections:

    1. Common App Documents

    2. Parchment Documents

    3. Mail Documents

  • Section 1: Common App Documents

    • Purpose: Understanding what common app documents have been created & those document statuses'

    • This section contains the following subsections

      • Section 1a: Common App One & Done Forms

      • Section 1b: Common App Teacher Evaluations Statuses

      • Section 1c: Common App Teacher Evaluations & Final Year Reports

    • Section 1a: Common App One & Done Forms

      • Purpose: To understand the status of Common App One & Done Forms.

        • Common App One & Done Forms are documents prepared once per student & can be used across multiple Common App Applications.

        • Common App One & Done Form Types:

          1. Counselor Recommendation

          2. Mid Year Reports

          3. Optional Reports & Optional Reports 2

          4. School Reports

    • Section 1b: Common App Teacher Evaluations Statuses

      • Purpose: To understand how many common app teacher evaluations have been created for each student application along with the minimum and maximum teacher evaluations required for the university being applied to.

    • Section 1c: Common App Teacher Evaluations & Final Year Reports

      • Purpose: To understand the status of Common App Teacher Evaluations & Final Year Reports

        • Unlike Common App One & Done Forms, Common App Teacher Evaluations & Final Year Reports are sent to each university a student is applying to instead of uploaded once per student.

  • Section 2: Parchment Documents

    • Purpose: To understand the status of documents submitted via Parchment.

      • Unlike Common App, where some documents are uploaded once and then sent to multiple universities, when applying via Parchment, each document needs to be submitted to each university.

      • Parchment Document Types:

        • Initial Transcripts

        • Letters of Recommendation & Letters of Recommendation - Counselor

        • Letters of Reference - UCAS

        • Transcripts:

          • Mid Year Transcripts

          • Optional Transcripts

          • Transfer Transcripts

          • Transcripts - Final

        • Predicted Grades

        • School Profiles

        • School Reports

        • Secondary School Profiles

        • Other

  • Section 3: Mail Documents

    • Purpose: To understand the status of documents you are submitting yourself via Mail.

      • When you mark documents as being sent via Mail, you are planning on doing the sending yourself and are using Cialfo's cDocs functionality as a to do list to make sure that all the necessary steps have been taken.

      • Mail Document Types

        • Initial Transcripts

        • Letters of Recommendation & Letters of Recommendation - Counselor

        • Transcripts

          • Mid Year Transcripts

          • Optional Transcripts

          • Transfer Transcripts

          • Transcripts - Final

        • School Profiles

        • School Reports

        • Secondary School Profiles

Common App Sending

  • Purpose: Understanding which Common Applications have been submitted to Common App

  • This Report contains 4 Sections

    1. Common Apps (University Wise)

    2. Common Apps (Student Wise)

    3. Common Apps Status (Submitted Only)

    4. Common Apps Status (Submitted & Unsubmitted)

  • Section 1: Common App (University Wise)

    • Purpose: To understand how many Common App applications have been submitted to a given university.

    • Here you can see

      • Grad Year: All the students(Count) with respective grad years will show up

      • University: University Name

      • CA Submitted at Date on which applications submitted/added/not submitted

      • CA Round: whatever students/counselors have added round under applications will reflect

      • CA Deadline: Deadline of application

  • Section 2: Common Apps (Student Wise)

    Purpose: This list will help in getting all students who submitted/added/not submitted Common App

  • Here you can see:

    • Students: Student name who submitted/added/not submitted Common App

    • Student Email: Email Ids of all the students who submitted/added/not submitted Common App

    • Graduation Year: Student’s graduation year

    • CA Submitted At Date on which applications submitted/added/not submitted

    • CA Round: whatever students/counselors have added round under applications will reflect

    • CA Deadline: Deadline of application

  • Section 3: Common Apps Status (Submitted Only)

  • Purpose: This section will get you only submitted Common Apps Details

  • Here you can see:

    • Students: Student name who submitted/added/not submitted Common App

    • Student Email: Email Ids of all the students who submitted Common App

    • Graduation Year: Student’s graduation year

    • CA Submitted At Date on which applications submitted

    • CA Round: whatever students/counselors have added round under applications will reflect

    • CA Deadline: Deadline of application

  • Section 4: Common Apps Status (Submitted & Unsubmitted)

  • Purpose: All the submitted and unsubmitted common apps covered in this section.

  • Here you can see:

    • Students: Student name who submitted/not submitted Common App

    • Student Email: Email Ids of all the students who submitted/added/not submitted Common App

    • Graduation Year: Student’s graduation year

    • CA Submitted At Date on which applications submitted/added/not submitted

    • CA Round: whatever students/counselors have added round under applications will reflect

    • CA Deadline: Deadline of application

College Visits Attendees

  • Purpose: Understanding college visits at your high school.

  • This report contains 2 sections

    • Event Attendance Breakdown

    • Event Attendance Master List

  • Section 1: Event Attendance Breakdown

    • Purpose: Understand attendance rates for past events & registration rates for upcoming events.

    • Here you can view Event Date, Event Time, Event Type (In Person or Virtual), Registration Deadline Date, Event Location, Event Name & Number of Registrations.

  • Section 2: Event Attendance Master List

    • Purpose: To easily access and download all event attendee data.

    • Here you can view Event Date, Event Name, Name of Student Attendee, Student Email, whether the student attended the event & whether the student has the university for this event in their college list.


  • Purpose: Understanding what universities your students are matriculating to.

  • This report contains 3 sections:

    1. Matriculation Statuses

    2. Matriculation Destinations

    3. Matriculations Master List

  • Section 1: Matriculation Statuses

    • Purpose: Understanding what rounds and Counselor Likelihoods yield matriculations.

    • Here you can view Matriculations by Round or Counselor Likelihood & Graduation Year

  • Section 2: Matriculation Destinations

    • Purpose: Understanding where your students are matriculating.

    • Here you can view Matriculations by University, University Country or University State (for US Universities only) and Graduation Year.

  • Section 3: Matriculation Master List

    • Purpose: Accessing all your matriculation data in 1 place.

    • This table is a list of all matriculations created in your high school that meet your filter filter requirements.

      • For example, if you filter for Graduation year = 2022 and University Country = France, the Matriculation Master List would contain all matriculations from your high school for students in graduation year 2022 to French universities.

    • Click on the Export to Excel or Export to CSV buttons to download this table

School Profile & Board Reports

  • Purpose: The School Profile & Board Reports is used to let you easily access the data you need to generate your annual school profile & board reports.

  • This report contains 3 sections:

    • Applications

    • Students

    • Courses

  • Section 1: Applications

    • Purpose: Easily accessing information on where your students are applying and being accepted to over time.

    • This section contains the following subsections

      • Section 1a: Application Profiles

      • Section 1b: Application Majors

    • Section 1a: Application Profiles

      • Purpose: Getting information on where your students are applying & attending.

      • Here you can view Matriculations, Acceptances, Denials & Acceptances to Universities broken out by Graduation Year.

    • Section 1b: Application Majors

      • Purpose: Getting information what majors your students are pursuing

      • Here you can Matriculations, Acceptances, Denials & Acceptances broken out by Major & Graduation Year.

  • Section 2: Students

    • Purpose: Easily getting a summary of students at your high school. Note a more in depth breakdown of your students is available in the students report.

    • This section contains the following subsections:

      • Section 2a: Student Numbers

      • Section 2b: Student Outcomes

      • Section 2c: Standardized Test Scores

      • Section 2d: Student Grades

    • Section 2a: Student Numbers

      • Purpose: To get a count of students at your high school.

      • Here you can see the number of students at your high school by graduation year.

    • Section 2b: Student Outcomes

      • Purpose: To get a breakdown of the student outcomes at your high school.

      • Here you can see outcomes selected for each student broken out by graduation year.

    • Section 2c: Standardized Test Scores

      • Purpose: To understand student's tests scores at your high school.

      • Here you can see the number of test takers & their test scores broken out by graduation year.

      • This section contains the following subsections

        • Section 2a i: ACT & SAT Test Data

        • Section 2a ii: A Level, AP & IB Test Data

        • Section 2a iii: TOEFL & IELTS Test Data

      • Section 2a i: ACT & SAT Test Data

        • Purpose: To get an understanding of the ACT & SAT high test scores of students at your high school

        • Here you can see for each graduation year, the following information for ACT & SAT overall high scores.

          1. # of Test Takers, which is the number of students who taken this test.

          2. The average high score. Not the Super Score

          3. The 1st quartile score

          4. The median score

          5. The 3rd quartile score

      • Section 2a ii: A Level, AP & IB Test Data

        • Purpose: To get an understanding of the A Level, AP & IB scores of students at your high school.

        • This section contains the following subsections

          • Section 2a ii a: A Level, AP & IB Data

          • Section 2a ii b: A Levels per Student by Graduation Year

          • Section 2a ii c: AP Test Taken & Average AP Score per Student by Graduation Year

          • Section 2a ii d: AP Test Taken & Test Scores per Student by Graduation Year

          • Section 2a ii e: IB Total Score per Student by Graduation Year

          • Section 2a ii f: IB Total Scores, Core (TOK + EE) Scores, Subjects, Subject Levels & Subject Scores by Student & Graduation Year

          • Section 2a ii a: A Level, AP & IB Data

            • Here you can see for each graduation year, the number of A Level, AP & IB Tests Taken & Test Takers.

            • For AP & IB Tests you can also see the average test score.

      • Section 2a iii: TOEFL & IELTS Test Data

        • Purpose: To get an understanding of the TOEFL & IELTS high test scores of students at your high school

        • Here you can see for each graduation year, the number of TOEFL & IELTS Test takers & the following information for TOEFL & IELTS tests.

          1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

          2. The 1st quartile score

          3. The median score

          4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3: Student Grades Data

      • Purpose: To get an understanding of Unweighted GPA (4.0) & Weighted GPA (5.0) of students are your high school.

      • Here you can see for graduation year, the following information about your student's weighted GPA (4.0) & Weighted GPA (5.0)

        • The average gpa

        • The 1st quartile gpa

        • The median gpa

        • The 3rd quartile gpa

    • Section 4: Courses Data:

      • Purpose: To understand what courses students are taking at your high school.

      • Here you can see broken out by graduation year, all the course names entered in the students' grade section & the number of students for each course. Note that this information must be entered by students or counselors so it may or may not reflect all courses offered at your high school.


  • Purpose: Understanding Students at your High School.

  • This report contains 5 sections

    • Student Overview

    • Student Profile

    • Student Standardized Test Scores

    • Student Grades Data

    • Student Master List

  • Section 1: Student Overview

    • Purpose: Understanding your class sizes.

    • Here you can see the number of students per class at your school.

  • Section 2: Student Profile

    • Purpose: Understanding the profile of students in your school.

    • Here you can view Students by Citizenships, Ethnicities, Gender or Outcomes and Graduation Year

  • Section 3: Student Standardized Test Scores

    • Purpose: Understanding student test scores.

    • This section contains the following sub sections:

      • Section 3a: Student Standardized Test scores: ACT & SAT High Score Test Data

      • Section 3b: Student Standardized Test scores: SAT Section Scores

      • Section 3c: Student Standardized Test scores: ACT Section Scores

      • Section 3d: Student Standardized Test scores: TOEFL & IELTS Section Scores

    • Section 3a: Student Standardized Test scores: ACT & SAT High Score Test Data

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the high test scores of students at your high school

      • Here you can see for each graduation year, the following information for ACT & SAT overall high scores.

        1. # of Test Takers, which is the number of students who taken this test.

        2. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        3. The 1st quartile score

        4. The median score

        5. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3b: Student Standardized Test scores: SAT Section High Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the SAT high section scores of students at your high school

      • Here you can see for each graduation year, the number of SAT Test takers & the following information the SAT Math Section & SAT RW Section high scores.

        1. The average high score.

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3c: Student Standardized Test scores: ACT Section High Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the ACT high section scores of students at your high school

      • Here you can see for each graduation year, the number of ACT Test takers & the following information the ACT Writing Section, ACT English Section, ACT Reading Section, & ACT Math Section high scores.

        1. The average high score.

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3d: A Level, AP & IB Test Data

      • Purpose: To get an understanding of the A Level, AP & IB scores of students at your high school.

      • This section contains the following subsections

        • Section 3d i: A Level, AP & IB Data

        • Section 3d ii: A Levels per Student by Graduation Year

        • Section 3d iii: AP Test Taken & Average AP Score per Student by Graduation Year

        • Section 3d iv: AP Test Taken & Test Scores per Student by Graduation Year

        • Section 3d v: IB Total Score per Student by Graduation Year

        • Section 3d vi: IB Total Scores, Core (TOK + EE) Scores, Subjects, Subject Levels & Subject Scores by Student & Graduation Year

        • Section 3d i: A Level, AP & IB Data

          • Here you can see by graduation year, the number of A Level, AP & IB Tests Taken & Test Takers.

          • For AP & IB Tests you can also see the average test score.

        • Section 3d ii: A Levels per Student by Graduation Year

          • Here you can see by graduation year, the A Levels taken per student; their Subject, Score & Test Date.

        • Section 3d iii: AP Test Taken & Test Scores per Student by Graduation Year

          • Here you can see by graduation year per student, the number of AP tests taken & the average AP Test Score.

        • Section 3d iv: AP Test Taken & Test Scores per Student by Graduation Year

          • Here you can see by graduation year per student, which AP tests were taken, their score and test date.

        • Section 3d v: IB Total Score per Student by Graduation Year

          • Here you can see by graduation year per student, student's IB total scores.

        • Section 3d vi: IB Total Scores, Core (TOK + EE) Scores, Subjects, Subject Levels & Subject Scores by Student & Graduation Year

          • Here you can see by graduation year per student, each student's:

            • IB Total Total Score

            • IB Core (TOK + EE) Score

            • Subjects Taken

            • Subject Level

            • Subject Score

    • Section 3e: Student Standardized Test scores: TOEFL & IELTS Section High Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the TOEFL & IELTS high test scores of students at your high school

      • Here you can see for each graduation year, the number of TOEFL & IELTS Test takers & the following information for TOEFL & IELTS tests.

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

  • Section 4: Student Grades Data

    • Purpose: To get an understanding of Unweighted GPA (4.0) & Weighted GPA (5.0) of students are your high school.

    • Here you can see for graduation year, the following information about your student's weighted GPA (4.0) & Weighted GPA (5.0)

      • The average gpa

      • The 1st quartile gpa

      • The median gpa

      • The 3rd quartile gpa

  • Section 5: Student Master List

    • Purpose: Accessing all your student data in 1 place.

    • This table is a list of all students created in your high school that meet your filter requirements.

      • For example, if you filter for Graduation year = 2022 and Gender = Female, the Student Master List would contain all female, graduation year 2022 students from your high school.

    • Click on the Export to Excel or Export to CSV buttons to download this table

Student Transcript Requests

  • Purpose: To understand the status of Transcript Requests created by students at your high school.

  • This report contains 3 sections

    • Transcript Requests by Counselor Summary

    • Transcript Requests by Counselor Detail View

    • Transcript Requests Master Table

  • Section 1: Transcript Requests by Counselor Summary

    • Purpose: This gives you a snapshot of the number of pending and completed transcript requests by counselor and deadline. This let you know which counselors to contact to ensure documents are completed on time.

      • Select Pending using Status filter to see only pending requests that still need action.

  • Section 2: Transcript Requests by Counselor Detail View

    • Purpose: This gives you a detailed view of the transcript requests broken out by counselor.

      • Here you can see for each counselor.

        • The Status of each requests

        • which student made the request

        • which university the transcript is for

        • What type of transcript is being requested

        • When the request was made & the request. due date

  • Section 3: Transcript Requests Master Table

    • Purpose: This table provides a master table of all transcript requests created at your high school, download this information for your records as needed.

    • This table includes information on the following:

      • Student:

        • Name

        • Graduation Year

      • University Name

      • Application

        • Submission Portal: Common App, Mail, Parchment or Other

      • Counselor Name:

      • Transcript:

        • Due Date

        • Requested Date

        • Type

        • Status

Universities - Accepted Student Profiles

  • Purpose: To understand the profiles of accepted students from your high school to universities. When advising a student, use the University filter to select the universities in the student's list to see the profile of accepted students to those universities.

  • This Report contains 3 sections:

    • Accepted Students Grades & Test Scores

    • Accepted Students GPA (4.0) & GPA (5.0)

    • Accepted Students Test Scores

  • Section 1: Accepted Students Grades & Test Scores

    • Purpose: To get a high level overview of what Accepted students look like at a given university.

    • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year:

      1. The number of accepted students

      2. The average GPA (4.0) of these accepted students

      3. The average GPA (5.0) of these accepted students

      4. The average high ACT score of these accepted students Not Super Score

      5. The average high SAT score of these accepted students Not Super Score

      6. The average high TOEFL score of these accepted students Not Super Score

      7. The average high IELTS score of these accepted students Not Super Score

      8. The average IB Total score of these accepted students.

      9. The average # of APs taken by these accepted students.

      10. The average AP score of these accepted students.

  • Section 2: Accepted Students GPA (4.0) & GPA (5.0)

    • Purpose: To understand the GPAs (4.0) & GPA (5.0) of accepted students at a given university

    • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year:

      1. The number of accepted students

      2. The average GPA (4.0) of these accepted students

      3. The 1st quartile GPA (4.0) of these accepted students

      4. The median GPA (4.0) of these accepted students

      5. The 3rd quartile GPA (4.0) of these accepted students

      6. The average GPA (5.0) of these accepted students

      7. The 1st quartile GPA (5.0) of these accepted students

      8. The median GPA (5.0) of these accepted students

      9. The 3rd quartile GPA (5.0) of these accepted students

  • Section 3: Accepted Students Test Scores

    • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the test scores of accepted students at a given university.

    • This section contains the following sub sections:

      • Section 3a: Accepted Student Test High Schools: SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS

      • Section 3b: Accept Student Test Scores: SAT Section Scores

      • Section 3c: Accept Student Test Scores: ACT Section Scores

      • Section 3d: Accept Student Test Scores: IELTS Section Scores

      • Section 3e: Accept Student Test Scores: TOEFL Section Scores

    • Section 3a: Accepted Student Test High Schools: SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the test scores of accepted students at a given university.

      • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year, number of accepted students & the following information for SAT, ACT, TOEFL & IELTS overall high scores.

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3b: Accept Student Test Scores: SAT Section Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the SAT section scores of accepted students at a given university.

      • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year, number of accepted students & the following information for SAT Math & SAT RW Section scores

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3c: Accept Student Test Scores: ACT Section Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the SAT section scores of accepted students at a given university.

      • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year, number of accepted students & the following information for SAT English, ACT Math, ACT Science, ACT Reading & ACT Writing Section scores

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3d: Accept Student Test Scores: IELTS Section Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the IELTS section scores of accepted students at a given university.

      • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year, number of accepted students & the following information for IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Writing Section scores

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

    • Section 3e: Accept Student Test Scores: TOEFL Section Scores

      • Purpose: To get a detailed understanding of the TOEFL section scores of accepted students at a given university.

      • Here you can see for each university broken out by graduation year, number of accepted students & the following information for TOEFL Listening, TOEFL Reading, TOEFL Speaking, TOEFL Writing Section scores

        1. The average high score. Not the Super Score

        2. The 1st quartile score

        3. The median score

        4. The 3rd quartile score

University Representatives

  • Purpose: To get all your high school's Universities Representative's details in one place to easily access it

  • This report consists of only one section which Includes

    1. University- University Name

    2. University Country- University Country

    3. Representative Name- Name of contact person for the respective Universities

    4. Representative Title- Title of Representative

    5. Representatives Emails- Email ID of Representatives

    6. Representative Notes- any notes for the representatives

    7. Record Last Updated - When data for this representative was last updated.

Data Sources & Definitions

Below to find definitions and sources of all the information that appears in our reports. This section is broken out by Applications, College Visits, Common App Submission, Documents, Students, Student Transcripts, Universities & University Representatives

Applications Data

  • Counselor Likelihood: The counselor likelihood of an application.

  • Deferred: Deferred indicates that an early application submitted by a student has be delayed to the regular round by the university.

    • For example, a student applies EA and the university responds, we like you but we need more time to decide, therefore we are moving your application to RD.

  • Flags: Flags are used to indicate extra information about an application.

  • List Type: List Type shows which list a student or counselor has put an application in: Applying List, Shortlist or Longlist. Removed indicates that an application was once in any list but has since between removed.

  • Major: corresponds to the major the student would be pursuing in other words the major the student wants to study in college as shown on his application form.

  • Matriculated: Matriculated indicates that a student is planning to matriculate to the university of the application.

  • Notes: Notes is where counselors can leave a comment visible to the student or other counselors on an application.

  • Results: Results is where the status of an application is displayed.

  • Rounds: Rounds indicates which round (ED, EA etc) a given application is being submitted for.

  • Scholarship Amount: Scholarship amount indicates the amount of scholarship money awarded to the student for a given application.

  • Scholarship Currency: Scholarship currency indicates the current a given scholarship is awarded in.

  • Test Submitted: Test Submitted shows which if any test scores are being submitted with a given application.

  • Waitlisted: Waitlisted shows if an application has been waitlisted by a university.

College Visits Data

  • Event Date: The date on which took place

  • Event Time: The time of the event.

  • Event: Name of the event

  • Registrants: Number of students registered for the event.

  • Student: Student who registered for the event.

  • Attend?: student attended the event it will be (Attended/Not Attended)

  • College in list: The event conducted by University and if the student who registered for the event has that particular university added to their respective profile it will be (college in list/college not in the list)

Common App Submission

  • CA Submitted At Date on which applications submitted/added/not submitted

  • CA Round: whatever students/counselors have added round under applications will reflect

  • CA Deadline: Deadline of application

Documents Data

  • Common App One & Done Documents: These are documents that are uploaded once per student & sent to Common App once. These include Counselor Recommendations, Optional, Mid Year & School Reports.

  • Common App Applications Documents: These are documents that are uploaded for each Common App application per student and sent to universities. These include Final Year Reports & Teacher Evaluations.

  • Mail Documents: These are documents that counselors will send directly to universities & will use cDocs as a tool to track the process. These include a wide range of document times.

  • Parchment Documents: These are documents that counselors will send to universities via Parchment. These include a wide range of document times.

    • Student Data

  • A Level Test: We include information on A Level tests that students have taken. We track the follow A Level Test data.

    • Test Date: The date the student took the A Level Test

    • Subject: The A Level subject the student tested for

    • Score: The score the student got on a given A Level Test

  • AP Test: We include information AP Tests that student's have taken. We track the following AP Test data

    • Test Date: The date the student took the AP Test

    • Subject: The AP subject the student tested for

    • Score: The score the student got on a given AP Test

  • ACT High English Score: ACT High English Score is the highest individual ACT English section score that a student has achieved.

  • ACT High Math Score: ACT High Math Score is the highest individual ACT Math section score that a student has achieved.

  • ACT High Reading Score: ACT High Reading Score is the highest individual ACT Reading section score that a student has achieved.

  • ACT High Science Score: ACT High Science Score is the highest individual ACT Science section score that a student has achieved.

  • ACT High Score: ACT High Score is the highest overall ACT score that a student has achieved. This is not a super score.

  • Active/Deactivated Status: Active/Deactivated Status indicates where a student has or has not been deactivated.

  • Cialfo ID: This field displays a unique number assigned to every student

  • Citizenships: Citizenships is the list of countries where a student has citizenship.

  • Counselors: Counselors shows all the counselors assigned to support a student.

  • Degree Type: Degree type shows the degree a student is planning to apply for.

  • Email: Email is the school email of a student.

  • Ethnicities: Ethnicities show the ethnicities of a given student. Students can list multiple ethnicities.

  • Gender: Gender indicates the student's gender.

  • Graduation Year: Graduation Year is the year the student will complete high school.

  • Groups: Groups is a list of all groups as student is assigned to.

  • IB Course Data: We include information IB Courses that student's have taken. We track the following IB Course data:

    • Test Date: The date the student took the IB Test Test

    • Subject: The IB subject the student tested for.

    • Total Score: The total score the student got on a given IB Test.

    • Subject Score: The score for of each IB subject that a student took.

    • Core (TOK+EE): The bonus TOK & EE IB points that a student earned.

  • IELTS High Total Score: IELTS High Total Score is the highest individual IELTS test score that a student has received. This is not a super score.

  • IELTS High Listening Score: IELTS High Listening Score is the highest IELTS Listening score that as student has received.

  • IELTS High Reading Score: IELTS High Reading Score is the highest IELTS Reading score that as student has received.

  • IELTS High Speaking Score: IELTS High Speaking Score is the highest IELTS Speaking score that as student has received.

  • IELTS High Writing Score: IELTS High Writing Score is the highest IELTS Writing score that as student has received.

  • Name: Student's full name, formatted as Last Name, First Name.

  • Outcome: Outcome indicates what a student did after leaving high school.

  • SAT High Total Score: SAT High Total is the highest total score that a student has received. This is not a super score.

  • SAT High ERB Score: SAT High ERB Score is the highest SAT ERB section score that a student has received.

  • SAT High Math Score: SAT High Math Score is the highest SAT Math section score that a student has received.

  • School GPA: The student's School GPA.

  • TOEFL IBT High Listening Score: TOEFL IBT High Listening Score is the highest TOEFL IBT Listening section score that a student has received.

  • TOEFL IBT High Reading Score: TOEFL IBT High Reading Score is the highest TOEFL IBT Reading section score that a student has received.

  • TOEFL IBT High Total: TOEFL IBT High Total is the highest total TOEFL IBT Score that a student has received. This is not a super score.

    • TOEFL IBT High Speaking Score: TOEFL IBT High Speaking Score is the highest TOEFL IBT Speaking section score that a student has received.

  • TOEFL IBT High Writing Score: TOEFL IBT High Writing Score is the highest TOEFL IBT Writing section score that a student has received.

  • Unweighted GPA (4.0): Unweighted GPA (4.0) is the students Unweighted GPA (4.0) score.

  • Weighted GPA (5.0): Weighted GPA (5.0) is the students Weighted GPA (5.0) score.

Student Transcript Data

  • Student: Name of Student Requesting a transcript

  • University: Name of the University the transcript is for

  • Submission Method: How the application is being sent to the university.

  • Counselor: Counselor who is being asked to create a transcript

  • Due Date: Application due date, which is when the transcript would be needed.

  • Transcript Type: The type of transcript being requested by the student.

  • Requested Date & Time: When the transcript was requested by the student.

  • Status: The status of the transcript; options are pending or sent.

University Data

  • Country: Country the university is located in.

  • Deadlines: Deadlines are the rounds and due dates for a given university.

  • Name: Full name of the university.

  • 2022 QS Rank (World/Country): The World & Country QS Rank of a given university.

  • State (US Only): US State the university is located in. For US universities only.

University Representative Data

All University Representative Data can be found below:

  • Representative: The name of the university representative.

  • Representative Title: The title assigned to the university representative.

  • Representative Phone Number: The university representative's phone number.

  • Representative Email: The university representative's email address.

  • Record Last Updated: The last time any data for this representative was updated.

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