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Document Sending via Parchment

How to send documents in cDocs

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Written by Central Support
Updated over a week ago

Cialfo has partnered with Parchment to allow schools to send supporting application documents via Parchment to universities that accept this delivery method.

Take a look at this quick video:

BEFORE sending documents, we strongly recommend you go through our presubmission checklist.

Sending for Parchment

Students must have added the universities to their Applying List on Cialfo. Depending on your school's Account Configuration, the counselor, student or parent may add a university to the student's Applying List.

Once the college or university has been added to the Applying list, we recommend identifying the Application Round and Deadline in the Applications tab.

There are 2 ways to send documents via Parchment - individually to each university or to Send All at the same time. To begin, head to cDocs and search for the needed student.

1st method: Sending documents individually per university

Under the cDocs > Submissions > Student tab, you will be able to find the universities under the Parchment section. Find the university that you want to send documents to.

  • If the university is listed under the Common App section, you may expand the section by selecting the name of the university, then changing the document delivery method from Common App to Parchment.

Here, click on the Send button next to the document that you would like to send to the university.

2nd method: Send All documents to universities

Under the same student's cDocs page, you may send all documents to the Parchment university with just one click!

After Sending: Verifying Documents Are Sent

After you have sent documents, you will notice that the status will change. First it will say Processing and then the status will change to Sent. Status will then change to Received when received by the university. You can click on "History" to view the time stamp and details on who sent out the document.

A parchment ID is generated for each document that is sent out - you may share the parchment ID with the university if they are unable to track the document(s).

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