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Record and update details for your student's Applications
Record and update details for your student's Applications

Keep your student's application results and decisions up-to-date

Prial Gupta avatar
Written by Prial Gupta
Updated this week

Cialfo allows counselors to manage a student's individual applications and track information about each application (application round, deadline, results, scholarships, notes, etc.).

Accessing an Application

You can access Applications by hovering over the student's profile on the Student List page and click on Applications in the side tab.

Adding an Application

If you have given your students and/or their guardians the permissions within Account Configuration, they will be able to add applications to the student's Applying List. Once an application is added, information will need to be updated on that application. You may add an application in 2 ways:

  1. Within the student's Universities page

  2. Within the student's Bookmarks page

1st Method: Within the student's Universities page

Head to the student's Universities tab and using the search bar, type in the name of the college/ University you want to add in an application for. Once you have found the university, click on the 'Add to List' button and add click on 'Applying'.

2nd Method: Within the student's Bookmarks page

Head to the student's Bookmarks tab and click on the "+Add" button. A search bar will pop up in the middle of the page - type in the name of the college/ university you want to add in the application for. Once you have found the university, select it and the university will now appear in the student's Applications list.

Updating Application Information

Below is an overview of the Applications page. We recommend that counselors complete as much information as possible on each application as this will ensure that all other connected features like cDocs, Reports, and Scattergrams will be properly populated.

When you click on the chevron on the right, the following data fields are available:

  • Notes: At the start of the application, there is a notes field and if a portal is not listed, the counselor can add that in the Notes section. The counselor may also want to include any other helpful information about how the student applied here. The Notes are visible to students, while the Private Notes are for counselors only.

  • Flags: Counselors may want to track certain characteristics of student applications, hence Application Flags. These are only visible to counselors. In the Application, there is a drop-down menu of preset flags to choose from. If a school needs custom flags, these can be created in Account - Configure. Multiple flags can be added per application if necessary.

  • Application Portal: This helps identify how the student will be submitting their application (via which application portal: Direct Apply, Common App, Other, etc.). The user can use the "Mark as Submitted" checkbox to indicate when the application is sent.

  • Course or Major: Indicate the course or major the student is applying for, if applicable.

  • Scholarship: Indicate if the student is applying for a scholarship and if awarded one, the quantity of said scholarship.

  • Round: Indicate the application's round (EA, RD, Spring Transfer, etc.) if applicable

  • Deadline: This is auto-generated based on your selected Round, but you can manually change the deadline later.

  • Test Submitted: Indicate whether a test was submitted as a part of the application or indicate if none were submitted (for test-optional colleges!)

  • Result: Indicate the result once received under the "Submitted" tab on the "Applications Page"!

Deleting Application Information

Individual application information may also be removed from the Applications page by clicking the 3 dots on the right beside each application.

Please note that deleting individual applications is different from removing all applications from a particular school. If a counselor deleted an individual application by selecting the "Delete Application" button, only a particular application information will be removed. The counselors can delete only one application information at a time.


(1) Unable to update Application rounds and deadlines

If you are unable to add or edit the application round here, it's quite likely that due to an account configuration, student's rounds and deadlines are getting auto-updated here from Common app.

(2) I don't want my students to edit application details

You can prevent students from going in and updating the applications page using one simple account configuration. Navigate to your profile picture and click on Configuration. Scroll down to student connectivity and turn off
"Can Edit Application Details" that have been added under the Students Connectivity section.

When turned off, this option will prevent the student from making any changes to their applications. You can turn it back ON when you would like students to go ahead and make changes to their applications.

(3) Reports

You can download a summary report of Applications by College that includes all your students of a particular Graduation year and their corresponding application status. For more on Reports, go to this help article!

(4) Downloads

The counselors can click on the "Download" button to get detailed information about their student applications that will help them to review or make any changes to the student's applying list.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us using the 'Chat with Cialfo' feature.

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