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Cialfo's list of Subprocessors
Updated over a week ago

Last Modified: 17 June, 2023

Cialfo Pte Ltd. ("Cialfo") uses certain subprocessors, subcontractors and content delivery networks to assist it in providing the Cialfo Services as described in the Terms and Conditions ("Terms").

What is a Subprocessor

A subprocessor is a third party data processor engaged by Cialfo who has or potentially will have access to or process Service Data (which may contain Personal Data). Cialfo engages different types of subprocessors to perform various functions as explained in the tables below. 

Due Diligence

Cialfo undertakes a commercially reasonable selection process by which it evaluates the security, privacy and confidentiality practices of proposed subprocessors that will or may have access to or process Service Data.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

Cialfo owns or controls access to the infrastructure that Cialfo uses to host Service Data submitted to the Services, other than as set forth below. The following table describes the countries and legal entities engaged in the storage of Service Data by Cialfo.

Entity Name                     Subprocessing Activities                                   Entity Country

AWS Amazon         Cloud service provider             United States

Service Specific Subprocessors

Cialfo works with certain third parties to provide specific functionality within the Services. These providers are the Subprocessors set forth below. In order to provide the relevant functionality, these subprocessors access Service Data.

Entity Name                     Purpose                                                               Entity Country

ActiveCampaign    Marketing automation provider         United States
Airtable Data Management provider United States
Calendly          Appointment scheduling provider       United States
CleverTap Customer engagement service United States
Cloudflare       Web-infrastructure provider           United States
Cloudinary        Image resizing and storing provider   United States
Dropbox           Internal company data storage         United States
Google Analytics Website analytics and performance United States
G Suite           Internal company infrastructure       United States
GitHub            Hosting for software development      United States
Hotjar Website Visualization software Malta
Intercom          Customer support provider             United States
Jira Cloud   Product management provider       United States Product management provider United States
Mailshake         Transactional mail provider           United States
Maze Design Testing France
Mixpanel          Data analytics platform               United States
New Relic         Data analytics platform               United States
Notion Internal Documentation United States
Office 365 Productivity, Calendar Integration United States
Onlive Online Events Management Singapore
Pandadoc          Contracts management provider         United States
Papertrail        Log management provider               United States
PayPal            Payment provider                      United States
Pipedrive         Customer relations management         United States
PubNub            WebSockets service                    United States
Rollbar           Error monitoring service              United States
Salesforce        Customer relations management         United States
SatisMeter        Customer satisfaction service         Czech Republic
Segment           Cloud-based Analytics Service         United States
SendGrid          Transactional mail services provider  United States
Slack             Internal communications provider   United States
Snowflake Data storage and processing platform. United States
Stripe Payment provider United States
Twilio            SMS notification provider             United States
Typeform          Cloud-based survey services           Spain
Wistia Video Hosting United States
Zoom              Online Meetings service               United States
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