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Teacher Recommendations

Getting started with cDocs: Teachers

Updated over a week ago

These directions are to assist teachers in completing teacher recommendations (LOR's) in Cialfo.

When logging in to Cialfo, you will be find 2 things:

  1. Recommend - Teachers will also see a list of students that have requested recommendations.

  2. Settings - Settings is where you can update your personal settings - your personal information, changing your password and if you want to receive email notifications regarding recommendation requests from students. You can choose to receive these notifications either once a day basis, weekly (every Monday) or turn off all email notifications for recommendations. This will be found at the top right corner, by clicking the chevron.

    Note: teachers must ensure that their number under settings is a minimum of 10 digits (including country code) as per Common App requirement.

Settings for Notifications to receive emails from Cialfo when a student requests a letter of recommendation:


The main screen gives a great snapshot of your recommendation requests.

  1. Student: Sort the students assigned to you by their Name. Be sure you see the current Class you are writing for. You can also check to see if there are other students from different class years that have request recommendations from you.

  2. Needed Date: If your counselor has done so, this will be the due date they have set for you to upload recommendation letters and create a Teacher Evaluation form.

  3. Next Deadline: Refers to the next deadline of the student's application.

  4. Survey: Check with your counseling team to see if your school will use this feature. A survey is questionnaire that your students can respond to in order to assist you in writing your recommendation. If your school will be using this feature and a student has not answered the survey questions prior to sending out a request for LOR, this column will have an "X" rather than a check mark. Students can also upload a document for you here as well.

  5. Uploaded Recommendation & Forms: This column will show whether or not you have uploaded a recommendation for the student or filled out a Common App teacher or Counselor form (depending on your school's settings, you may be able to fill out a Common App counselor form).

  6. CA Linked: This column will indicate whether or not the student has already linked their Common App account with Cialfo. Please ensure that the student has already linked their account and waived their FERPA status prior to submitting a recommendation. If the student has not completed this, we recommend you do not complete the Common App Teacher Evaluation.

  7. FERPA - It is advisable for students to first waive their FERPA status before you upload the recommendations. (For more on FERPA)

Note: If your school will not be using Common App for document sending, then this would not be needed. Check with your school’s counseling office to see if this is needed.

Uploading Your Recommendation

Step 1 - Select a student by clicking the student’s name. A side bar for the student will open.
(Note: If your school asks students to complete a survey to assist you in writing your recommendation, you will see the questions here. If a student has answered it and uploaded an attachment, you will see it on the same page.)

Step 2 - Completing the Common App Teacher Evaluation Form: Click on Teacher Evaluation and fill in the form that appears. After filling out the form, you will select the "Save" button found at the bottom. If you realize you made a mistake, you'll be able to edit the form. Only counselors will be able to delete forms.

(Note: depending on your school's Account Configurations, you may see other forms - Counselor Recommendation, School Report, Mid Year Report, Final Year Report, Optional Report and Teacher Evaluation. Typically, teachers only need to complete the Teacher Evaluation, but ensure you check with your Counseling department if other forms are needed from you as well.)

Step 3 - Upload Letter of Recommendation: Make sure you've saved your letter as a PDF and select "Upload a file".

Step 4 - You're done! Verify on the main student list screen that you have a green box for your recommendation and a box for the CA Teacher form.

Declining Recommendation Requests

Step 1 - Select a student by clicking the student’s name. A side bar for the student will open.

Step 2 - Under the Letter of Recommendation section, select "Reject Recommendation" to decline the request.

Step 3 - Confirm your decision to decline the recommendation request.

Step 4 - You're done! The name of the student will not appear on your main student list screen anymore.

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