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Troubleshooting Login Issues

Don't know how to login? Misplaced the email with your account details? Not to worry!

Updated over a week ago

If you or your students can't find the welcome email, or otherwise just forgot how to login, we have a few quick solutions for you.

Here is a short video on how to add students to the platform, send a registration email, and support students who forgot their password.

Reset a Password

Direct users to your school's unique URL [example]  Anyone with an active account can select 'Password (forgot)', enter their associated email address, and instructions on resetting their password will be sent to their email.

Pro Tip: We suggest adding your school's unique Cialfo URL [example] to your school's website, student portal, your email signature, anywhere students can easily find it!

Resend Registration Email

Alternatively, you can resend a student's registration email by navigating to the student page. Click on the (i) button next to the student's name.  A pop-up box that shows the student's profile will appear on the right. 

Scroll down to the bottom and click on 'Send Registration Email'.


For Gmail Users; What to do if the registration email doesn't appear in the inbox?

Gmail has an auto-sort default setting which moves emails into various folders.  Emails from Cialfo might be automatically routed away from the inbox. 

Please check the 'Promotions' and 'Updates' folders for the Cialfo registration email, if you are unable to find it in your 'Primary' inbox. 

Pro Tip:  Gmail users can mark any email from Cialfo as important or have them delivered to the inbox.  Check out both highlighted sections!

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