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How to add universities into your Longlist, Shortlist and Applying list

Prial Gupta avatar
Written by Prial Gupta
Updated over 2 months ago

From dream universities to safety universities, Bookmarks is the place for students to organize their Longlist, Shortlist, and Applying lists, and have meaningful conversations with family and counselors to start planning their university application journey.

Here's a step by step guide along with a video for you:

Previously housed under Applications, students can now experience list-building exclusively on this page, located on the main navigation panel on the left.

What is the Longlist, Shortlist, and Applying list?

  • Longlist ➡️ This is typically a dream list of universities that a student is interested in. These universities are added to the Longlist to indicate interest, but further research and consideration will be needed.

  • Shortlist ➡️ This list contains universities that a student is both interested in and is likely to submit an application for. These can be universities that have been moved over from the student's Longlist, or directly added to the Shortlist.

  • Applying list ➡️This list will contain the universities that the student intends to submit applications for. At this stage, the student would have already conducted considerable research on the university, its location and environment, and other factors such as financing means, and is determined to prepare and complete the application requirements listed by the universities.

How to add a university to a list

Begin by browsing and searching on the Universities page

If you are just starting out and have no bookmarks yet, students will see this message. Click on the blue button to begin your journey.

Because this is your first time, you'll be brought to the Universities page for an immersive experience about the university search journey. Follow this article here to learn the ins and outs of the Universities page. Once you've added one or more universities to any of your lists, proceed to the next section.

Now that you've added your lists - let's break it down further on what you can do:

You can drag and drop universities between lists once you've decided to move them up, down or sideways between the different lists.

How to set 'My Top Choices' on your Bookmarks Lists

Students can now rank their applications in the Applying List according to their preferences.

  1. The students can find the 'My Top Choices' button under the Applying list marked with a red dot in the top right corner. This button will appear only if no top choices are selected by the student.

  2. A pop-up window will open up on clicking the button where students can select up to 5 choices from their Applying List and then rank them in accordance with their preferences.
    Note : This information is strictly confidential and it is kept between the school and the student, not shared with the universities.

  3. After a student adds and saves at least one choice, the 'My Top Choices' button will no longer be visible. All saved choices will then display color-coded badges in the top right corner of each application, indicating their rank.

4. To re-order your choices, simply select one of the color-coded badges to open a pop-up window. From there, you can drag and drop the university choices as per your needs. Additionally, you have the option to add or remove choices as you see fit.

How to prioritize the universities on your lists

  1. Prioritize the schools - Drag universities within the same list to know the priority that the university stands in that particular list. Drag the universities to move between different lists.

  2. Moving your application - Instead of dragging the application, you can also click on 3 dots on the application to move it to your desired list and delete the application if needed.

  3. Adding a University - Want to quickly add a university to a list? Use the "+ Add University" button and type the name of the university you'd like to add!

  4. Likelihood - A small dot will help you predict the likelihood of a possible acceptance into a university.

  5. Filters - Firstly, you can filter out your applications country-wise. Secondly, the applications can be filtered based on how likely a college/ university might accept your application.

Fields based on student/school information

  • Far Reach: We estimate that the student has between 0 to 5% chance of being admitted.

  • Reach: We estimate that the student has between 5% to 20% chance of being admitted.

  • Target: We estimate that the student has between 20% to 75% chance of being admitted.

  • Likely: We estimate that the student has between 75% to 100% chance of being admitted.

Note: Depending on your school's Configuration, students may not be able to freely move universities into their Applying list. If you are unable to do so, please contact your counselor.

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