Finding a student's fit is important in today's school search journey. More than being a reputable school, one has to consider how fit or suitable the school is for the student's needs and wants. Cialfo's University Preferences allows students and counselors to understand what the student prioritizes in their school search, considering several factors mentioned below.
Cialfo's University Preferences is made up of several questions that come from the following categories:
Academic: questions based on academic preference
Location: questions based on the school's location
Financial: questions based on budgetary or financial factors
People: questions based on the importance of people resources
Facilities: questions based on the school's facilities
Demographics: questions based on the school's demographics
Other: section for the user to provide more context on what is important to them
In using Cialfo University Preferences, the student will start to consider different factors in their college search that they may not have considered before. After answering the questions, Cialfo will provide recommended universities based on the responses provided by the student.
How to answer the University Preferences Questionnaire
Go to Profile > University Preferences > Update now
Answer the needed questions.
The responses will be automatically saved if you're unable to complete the questionnaire in one go.
The questionnaire takes around 5 minutes to complete. Since University Preferences is found in the Student Profile, students can answer it on their own, or they can do it alongside their counselor.