Once your Explore account request has been approved, it is time to set up your organization's Explore account.
Here's a step by step guide along with a video of how to do this on Cialfo:
Step 1 - Complete the tour and set your organization's timezone
After completing the tour on how to use Explore by Cialfo, you will be asked to set up your organization's timezone.
Step 2 - Set up your personal settings
Next, click on your profile picture on the top right-hand corner of the page to head to your settings page. Here, you will be able to edit the following sections.
General Information
Email Preferences
Zoom Setup: If you have a Zoom account, you will be able to link your Zoom account and automatically create School Visits with a Zoom room.
Step 3 - Set up your organization's details
The final step is to set up your organization's details.
These are 4 sections available under the College Details page.
General Information, Media & Academic Information: These information will be visible to schools - both to counselors and students - when you are booking school visits so we would recommend you to fill these fields in with as much information as possible.
Calendar Sync: If your organization has a shared calendar for all of your team members, you will be able to sync school visits with the Google Calendar.
You've now completed the basic set up of your Explore account! The last step is to start requesting and managing visits. Learn more about requesting visits here.