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Scattergrams explained
Updated over a week ago

On Cialfo, we allow you and your students to see a "map" of real university admissions decisions in a quick and understandable way. The graph plots past acceptances, denials, and waitlist decisions against each student's high school grade point average (GPA) and SAT or ACT scores. When you select Cialfo Network GPA 4.0 it would give you an overview of all the students across the platform applied to the university.
For, all the other options such as Weighted GPA and ACT etc would give you the schools data.

Scattergram Default Settings

Configuring the Scattergram Default Settings

By default, we display data using SAT vs. School GPA. You can easily change the default school-wide under Account ConfigurationScattergram Default Settings.

An important scattergram configuration is the Default Graduation Year range. This section is crucial as it will dictate the years for which the scattergram data is displayed for Counselors and Students/Guardians.

Please note that in order to ensure a that privacy is maintained, the lowest minimum data points you are able to select under Configurations Scattergram Default Settings Minimum Number of Data Points for Scattergram results to show for Students and Guardians is 3.

Pro Tip: There is also an option, in Cialfo, to combined and convert SAT scores to ACT and vice versa.  This allows schools to display more data allowing in depth and robust reporting.

Viewing Admission Decisions

Scattergrams in Cialfo offer data results for Accepted, ED Accepted, EA Accepted, Waitlisted or Deferred, Denied, Accepted Waitlisted or Deferred and Denied Waitlisted or Deferred.

Do note that Admission Results will only be displayed for students when there are at least 3 data points available - any less than 3 and the Scattergram will be empty for them. This is done to ensure a base level of privacy is maintained.

The minimum data points refer to the total number of Accepted, ED Accepted, EA Accepted, Waitlisted, Deferred and Denied data points a university has. This excludes data points less than three of each Accepted or Denied results.

'Accepted' results: Accepted, ED Accepted, EA Accepted, Waitlisted, Accepted and Deferred

'Denied' Results: Denied, Denied Waitlisted, Denied and Deferred

For example, if the minimum data points is set to 3 and there are 3 Accepted and 1 Denied data point, the Scattergram results will only be populated with the Accepted results.

Pro Tips

You may zoom in to the data in Scattergram just by clicking, hold and drag over the data you will like to view closer in, and release. Click on the 'Reset Zoom' to reset it to the full view once you're done.

You can also download the Scattergram by clicking on the download button on the top right corner of the Scattergram as PDF/JPEG/PDF.

Activating the Cialfo Scattergram Network

If your university acceptance data is small and would like to join the network data from other Cialfo schools, then you can activate this option in Account Configuration → Scattergram Cialfo Network Data. There are options to allow staff members, students and guardians to see the data, as well.

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