Cialfo Access is a free Cialfo plan. This collection of help articles are for Cialfo Access users.
Cialfo Access: Getting Started Guide for Counselors
Cialfo Access: Getting Started Guide for Students
Cialfo Access: What is Direct Apply?
Cialfo Access: Direct Apply College Search, adding and deleting applications (Counselors)
Cialfo Access: Direct Apply College Search, adding and deleting applications (Students)
Cialfo Access: Direct Apply - Application Fee Payment (Student)
Cialfo Access: Uploading Additional Direct Apply Applications
Cialfo Access: Walking through the 5 steps of Direct Apply application (Student)
Cialfo Access: Walking through the 5 steps of Direct Apply application (Counselor)
Cialfo Access: Assessing Submitted Applications in Direct Apply (Counselor)