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Scattergram explained
Updated over 2 months ago

Cialfo's Scattergram feature offers students and counselors a clear, intuitive 'map' of real university admissions decisions. The graph visualizes past acceptances, denials, and waitlist outcomes based on each student's high school GPA and SAT or ACT scores. Selecting the 'Cialfo Network GPA 4.0' option provides an overview of students across the platform who applied to a specific university, while options such as Weighted GPA or ACT focus on data specific to your school.

Features of Scattergram

  • Better Data Point Breakdown: The Scattergram now provides a comprehensive and logical breakdown of data by Rounds and Outcomes. This enhancement supports a wide range of counseling needs, enabling advisors to offer tailored guidance based on specific scenarios.

  • Option for a 1-Axis Scattergram: Users can now focus on a single test type, a frequently requested feature based on user feedback. This flexible approach replaces the previous requirement to always include two test types in the Scattergram, accommodating diverse use cases.

  • Test-Submitted-Only Option: Scattergrams now display data exclusively for standardized test scores marked as submitted to universities. This ensures a more accurate reflection of application outcomes based on test scores that were actually considered by admissions offices.

  • Flexible Axis Configuration: Users can customize the axis ranges for each test type, and these configurations are saved for all future Scattergrams viewed by the user. This feature enhances personalization and efficiency, making data analysis more intuitive and user-friendly.

Scattergram Default Settings

Configuring the Scattergram Default Settings:

By default, we display data using SAT vs. GPA. You can change the default settings for the entire school under Configuration > Scattergram Default Settings

An important scattergram configuration is the Default Graduation Year range. This section is crucial as it will indicate the years for which the scattergram data is displayed for Counselors and Students/Guardians.

Minimum Number of Data Points for Scattergram results to show for Students and Guardians is 3

The default number of data points needed to populate a scattergram for a parent or student is three in order to protect student privacy. By changing this data point, counselors must be aware of the impact on student privacy.

Pro Tip: Cialfo also offers an option to combine and convert SAT scores to ACT and vice versa. This enables schools to display more comprehensive data, allowing for in-depth and robust reporting

Viewing Admission Decisions

Scattergrams in Cialfo now feature additional symbols, enabling users to better differentiate and interpret various data points. These symbols include Accepted, Accepted (ED), Accepted (EA), Waitlisted - Accepted, Deferred - Accepted, Denied, Denied (EA), Denied (ED), Waitlisted - Denied, Deferred - Denied, Waitlisted, and Deferred.

Please note that Admission Results will only be displayed for students if there are at least three data points available. If there are fewer than three data points, the Scattergram will remain empty. This measure is in place to ensure a baseline level of privacy.

The minimum data points refer to the total number of Accepted, ED Accepted, EA Accepted, Waitlisted, Deferred and Denied data points a university has. This excludes data points less than three of each Accepted or Denied results.

'Accepted' results: Accepted, Accepted (ED), Accepted (EA ), Waitlisted, Accepted and Deferred

'Denied' Results: Denied, Denied - Waitlisted, Denied and Deferred

For example, if the minimum data points is set to 3 and there are 3 Accepted and 1 Denied data point, the Scattergram results will only be populated with the Accepted results.

Pro Tip:

You can zoom in on the data in the Scattergram by clicking, holding, and dragging over the area you wish to view more closely, then releasing. To return to the full view, click on 'Reset Zoom'

How to download Scattergram data?

You can download the Scattergram data by clicking the download button in the top right corner, and selecting either PDF, JPEG, or PNG format.

Activating the Cialfo Scattergram Network Data

If your university acceptance data is limited and you'd like to include network data from other Cialfo schools, you can activate this option under ConfigurationScattergram Cialfo Network Data.
Additionally, you can configure settings to allow staff members, students, and guardians to view this data.

If you have any questions, please feel free to use our Chat with Cialfo feature to speak to our team :)

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