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Jessica Solomon avatar
Written by Jessica Solomon
Updated this week


Connections in Cialfo help universities manage student interactions, track engagement, and sync data with their CRMs. This article guides you on setting up and using the feature effectively.

1. Configurations Page

The Configurations Page enables universities to manage all settings associated with Connections.

Access Path:

Profile Icon → Configuration

Users can set the download format for connections, map data fields, and customize connection parameters.

2. Download Format Mapping

Universities can tailor Cialfo’s download format to match their CRM requirements by mapping specific data fields.

How It Works:

  1. Upload the File: Universities upload their connection data file.

  2. Error Handling: If any errors are detected, messages will indicate necessary corrections.

  3. Column Mapping: The system displays available column names for mapping.

  4. Data Type Selection: Assign data types such as Text, Number, Date, or Date & Time.

  5. Mapped Column Values: Define attributes like Date of Connect, First Name, and Engagement Activity.

  6. Finish Mapping: Save the configuration for future downloads.

Key Features:

  • Assign default values if a mapped column is empty.

  • Engagement Activity Mapping: Select either the First or Last Activity to track student interactions.

  • Once mapping is complete, universities can download connections directly.

A new sheet will be added to the download, alongside the two existing sheets.

This additional sheet will contain columns mapped by the university, along with relevant details.

Note: The mapping applies only to student leads and does not include parent or guardian leads.

Additional Options:

  • Download Button: Export mapped connections instantly.

  • View Configuration: Review saved mapping settings.

  • Change File Button: Upload a new file if needed.

3. Course Mapping

Universities can align their internal course names with Cialfo’s course database to enhance email campaign segmentation.

How It Works:

  1. Access Settings: Navigate to Profile Icon → Configuration → Customize Connections Download Format.

  2. Upload Mapping File: Submit the file containing course name mappings.

  3. Ops Team Review: The Cialfo Operations team reviews and processes the request within T+7 days.

  4. Completion Notification: Once mapping is finalized, users receive an email confirmation.


  • A new sheet will be added to the download, alongside the existing two sheets.

  • This new sheet will include university-mapped columns with relevant

4. Country Mapping

Country Mapping helps universities match the country names in their CRM with Cialfo’s standard country list. This ensures consistent data across systems.

How to Set It Up:

  1. Go to Settings: Click on Profile Icon → Configuration → Country Mapping.

  2. Download Sample File: This file shows the correct format for mapping.

  3. Edit Only Column D: Update country names as needed (e.g., change "United States" to "USA").

  4. Upload the Updated File: Submit the file and wait for the process to complete.

  5. View Mapped Countries: The updated country names will now be reflected on the Connections Page and in downloads.

5. Assigning Download Responsibilities

Universities can assign a specific person to handle Connections downloads regularly, ensuring a smooth workflow.

How to Assign a User:

  1. Navigate to Settings: Click on Profile Icon → Team → Select User.

  2. Assign Regions: Choose whether the user will manage downloads for specific regions or have Global Access to all data.

  3. Track Download Activity: The system records the last connection download date for each assigned user.

  4. Receive Email Reports:

    • Weekly Reports: Summarize recent download activity.

    • Monthly Reports: Provide a detailed overview for admins.

Reassigning Responsibility:

If the designated user changes, admins can reassign download responsibilities by selecting a different team member in the Team Settings.

6. Simplifying Connection Engagement Activities

Understanding how engaged students are with your university helps you take the right actions to increase interest and applications. Cialfo categorizes students into Highly Engaged, Moderately Engaged, or Low Engaged based on their activities.

Engagement Categories & How They Work

Engagement Level

Activity Criteria

Highly Engaged

1 High-Commitment activity or 2+ Medium activities

Moderately Engaged

1 Medium-Commitment activity or 2+ Low activities

Low Engagement

Only Low-Commitment activities

Examples of Engagement Activities:

📌 High-Commitment Activities:

  • Submitting an application

  • Attending a 1-on-1 meeting

  • Requesting financial aid information

📌 Medium-Commitment Activities:

  • Attending a webinar or info session

  • Joining a Q&A with an admissions officer

  • Downloading an application guide

📌 Low-Commitment Activities:

  • Opening an email

  • Clicking on a university link

  • Following the university on social media

How to Boost Engagement

Using targeted strategies can help move students from Low Engagement to Highly Engaged.

Engagement Level

Recommended Action

Highly Engaged

Send Application Reminder, Invite for 1:1 Meeting, Personalized Outreach

Moderately Engaged

Reinforce Benefits of Applying, Invite to an Event, Send Brochure

Low Engagement

Invite to Event, Send Brochure, Share Resources

7. Generating Connections via Email

Universities can easily establish connections with students through a streamlined email-based process. This method ensures a seamless experience for students while improving university outreach.

How It Works

1️⃣ Receive an Email – The student receives an email containing the university’s profile link.
2️⃣ Click the "Connect" Button – The student clicks the Connect button in the email.
3️⃣ Redirect to Cialfo – If the student is already logged in, they are directly taken to Cialfo. If not, they will be prompted to sign in first.
4️⃣ Connection is Generated – Once logged in, the connection is automatically established between the student and the university.

Benefits of Email-Based Connections

✔️ One-Click Convenience – Quick and hassle-free student connections.
✔️ Higher Engagement – Increases student interaction with universities.
✔️ Better Tracking – Helps universities monitor and optimize outreach.
✔️ Seamless Integration – Auto-updates in Cialfo for easy follow-ups.

8. Connections Performance Report

This monthly email report provides universities with key insights into their connection trends, including student engagement and interaction data. For non-premium universities, it highlights the benefits of paid connections, showcasing how enhanced features can improve outreach and engagement.

9. CRM Integrations

Universities can integrate their Cialfo data with Slate CRM or express interest in future integrations with other CRMs. This ensures seamless data transfer and efficient management of student connections.

How to Set Up CRM Integration

  1. Access Integrations

    • Click on the Profile IconConfigurationIntegrations.

  2. For Slate CRM Integration:

    • Follow the four-step setup process with checkboxes to complete integration.

    • Ensure all required fields are mapped correctly for smooth data transfer.

  3. For Other CRMs:

    • If your university uses a different CRM, indicate your interest within the Integrations section.

    • This helps Cialfo prioritize future CRM integrations based on demand.

10. Defining Lead Quality

Universities can categorize student leads as Hot, Warm, or Cold based on predefined conditions to prioritize engagement effectively.

How to Set Lead Quality Criteria:

  1. Access Settings:

    • Navigate to Profile IconConfigurationLead Quality.

  2. Set Custom Conditions:

    • Define up to three conditions to determine lead classification.

    • Each condition can include up to two filters using AND/OR logic for flexibility.

  3. Save & Apply:

    • Once saved, students who meet the defined criteria will be automatically labeled as Hot, Warm, or Cold within the system.

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